Construction of a 5,000 m3 pond (equal to 5 million liters) next to the Rio Grande.
Photovoltaic panels need water for their construction and annual maintenance: for each cleaning x 20 tons of water per megawatt. More reading here
The Rio Grande water, its flow, will be diminished by this macro project, affecting the rest of the neighbors and crops.
The impact will be throughout the Guadalhorce Valley, as the Rio Grande is one of its important tributaries.
Here we show the situation of the 5,000 m3 water basin.
Risk of contamination of surface and underground waters, due to oil and / or lubricant spillage, which may affect hydrology.
In fact, the activity is considered as a "Toxic Waste Producer":
The activity is potentially soil polluting, as the waste management activities included in the list of Annex I of Royal Decree 9/2005, of January 14, which establishes the list of potentially soil polluting activities and the criteria and standards for the declaration of contaminated soils, therefore, the activity data must be entered and updated in the Inventory of Potentially Contaminated Soils of Andalusia, regulated by Decree 18/2015, of January 27

Excerpt from one of the
projects presented:
"In order to avoid the raising of dust, with the consequent effect on the vegetation and the people present in the area of action due to the increase of particles in suspension in the air, the roads and other necessary infrastructure will be irrigated by truck tank or tractor attached to hopper "
"To supply the water necessary to carry out these risks, the necessary permits will be available from the corresponding Agency or owner."
Once the works have begun, the earthworks will not only entail dust, but also noise for the residents of the Valley.
And not only during construction: the substations that will be installed, as well as the high voltage towers for the transport of energy will cause acoustic disturbances for both humans and wildlife.