Chronicle of an Announced Unconstitutionality
More than 400 entities demand that the Deputies suppress the articles that facilitate the express implementation of renewable macro-industries.
Associations and platforms of affected neighbors, environmentalists, cultural, and all kinds of entities from all the autonomous communities join the initiative.
Articles 6 and 7, together with the provisions
fourth and sixteenth finals of RDL 6/2022
deal the biggest blow to environmental values
y of citizen participation that we can remember.
These items avoid environmental processing
due (Environmental Impact Assessment) to the
once they facilitate through an express procedure,
that are processed behind people's backs.
Entities try to avoid filing an appeal
to the Constitutional Court or enter into lengthy lawsuits
when it is too late, because the evil is already there
On 04/28/22, Congress approved RDL 6-2022 (urgent measures consequences of the Ukraine war).
But the humanitarian crisis that is being experienced in Ukraine does not protect us from destroying our lands and our lives.
Said Royal Decree, , is currently being processed as an urgent Bill (No. expte. 121/000100), with the amendment period currently open.
Chapter III would affect the processing processes of wind and photovoltaic parks,
facilitating them.
The rule reduces the environmental processing in renewable energy projects of up to 75 MW (wind) and 150 MW (photovoltaic) to a report determining the environmental condition that does not study in detail the different impacts and to which no appeal may be submitted. . Therefore, the text takes away the right of those affected to point out unforeseen or underestimated impacts as well as technical errors and suppresses public participation in which it represents a clear violation of the Aarhus Convention of which Spain is a party.
Given the seriousness of the consequences of the eventual approval of these articles, more than 400 entities of the Spanish state from all the Autonomous Communities have drawn up a proposal to amend the aforementioned Bill (No. expte. 121/000100) that have been sent to all the parliamentary groups and their deputies as representatives of the citizenry in the chamber of Congress: the objective is the withdrawal of Articles 6 and 7 and the aforementioned provisions._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_
If this rule goes ahead, it would be leaving the challenge of urgency and climate change in the hands of the oligopoly.
It seems as if the minister of energy authorizations had expressly and diligently assisted the promoters to resolve in one fell swoop maestro the obstacles that many citizen struggles were imposing to avoid abuses of common environmental interests and rights of the people.

Without biodiversity, there is no health
Last May 2022, we sent an explanatory text to all the Deputies of Congress by e-mail with all the information on why it is important to maintain citizen participation in the procedure for the presentation of renewable energy megaprojects.
The petition was accompanied by the Amendments to register them as a Parliamentary Group, and in turn, approved by vote.
We continue to meet with all the political groups to inform them of the opposition of the citizens to this "Express" procedure and request their support in voting on our Amendments, the day they are voted on by the Commission.
The Amendment registration period remains open until February 2023, and its closure may continue to be postponed.
This means that the Amendments cannot be voted on, and consequently, the projects can already be processed by the "Express" procedure.
Last May 2022, press releases were also sent to the media with all the information in this regard.
Here is an example of some of them:
415 entities from the 17 Autonomous Communities:
1. Andalusia (44)
AGADEN, Ecologists in Action
Casarabonela Association "Neither in my town nor in yours"
Rio Grande Natural Valley Association
Andalusian Center Association of Ronda
Association Let's save fields and mountains of the Serranía de Ronda
AMMA Almijara Association
Friends of the Cabo de Gata-Níjar Natural Park Association
Saltador Valley Cultural Association
Ecologists in Action Almeria
Ecologists in Action Sierra Bermeja
Ecologists in Action, Sierra de las Nieves
Andalusian Left (IzAnd)
Andalusian People's Initiative
The Mountain and Development Association of the Serranía de Ronda
SAVIA Foundation
Active Marbella
Landscapes and Vineyards of Marco de Jerez
Platform for People Affected by Photovoltaic Projects in Ronda
Say No to Towers Platform, Granada
Platform not to the high voltage towers, Montemayor area, Benahavís
Social Platform of the Campo de Gibraltar (16 social entities)
Civic Platform in Defense of the Hospital and Public Health of Campo de Gibraltar
SOS Platform Campiña de Jimena
Valle Lucainena and Vía Verde Protection Platform
Stop Mar de Agata Wind Farm
SILVEMA Serranía de Ronda Ecologists in Action
VERDEMAR, Ecologists in Action
2. Aragon (7)
Friends of the Earth Aragon
Friends of Gallocanta Association
Municipalist Space for Teruel
Moncayo No Rebla
Iberian Landscapes Platform
Unitary Platform against the Electric Highway (Huesca / Lleida)
Platform in favor of the landscapes of Teruel
3. Asturias (34)
Asturian Association of Friends of Nature (ANA)
Asturias Livestock Association
Corripa Association
Western Cultivate Association
Cultural Association - Recreational "Cristo de Paramios", Vegadeo
Association of abeyeiros from western Asturias (ABEYOAS)
Association of Rural Women of Asturias
Abraido Neighborhood Association (ASOVAB), Taramundi
Neighborhood Association "Valle de Paredes", Valdés
Neighborhood Association Virgen del Carmen de Lourido, San Tirso de Abres
Forum Boal 3000 Association
Geotrupes Association
The Rodiada Association
Biodevas Socio-environmental Association
Valdesana Association of Rural Tourism
Presno Parish Neighborhood Association, Castropol
Join Cooperativa
Castropol Sport
Avilés Ecological Collective
Ecoloxist Coordinator of Asturias
Ecoloxistes n'Ación d'Asturies
Ecomateriales Ultravioleta S. Coop Astur ( )
Dora's Free Click
Asturian Group for the Study and Conservation of Bats
Mavea Naturalist Group
The Blue House of Navia
Ecofeminist Women Petra Kelly from Asturias
Panduru Circular Economy SLL
Platform All United for Naranco
Northwest Xente Platform
Feminist Network of Rural Women of Western Asturias
4. Canary Islands (3)
Citizen platform Save Chira Soria Barranco de Arguineguín. (Gran Canaria)
Ecological Association Save La Tejita (Tenerife)
Turcón-Ecologists in Action Collective
5. Cantabria (4)
Alto Besaya Assembly without Mills
ARCA (Association for the Defense of Natural Resources of Cantabria)
Pasiegos Valleys Defense
Noeolic Cantabria Center
6. Catalonia (138)
Catalan Xarxa for a Fair Energy Transition (platform that brings together 91 entities and groups)
ACARN (Cultural Association of Art with Respect for Nature)
Association Connecting with Life
SOS Lloret Citizen Association
Espai Llobregòs Association
Association Save the Platja de Pals
SOS Empordanet Association of Girona
Sos Palafrugell Association
Association of Naturalists of Girona
Association for the Environmental Sustainability of l'Alta Segarra i l'Anoia
Friends of Nature in Cadaqués
Take the C-32
UNESCO Chair of Sustainable Human Development (Universitat de Girona)
Coordinator for the Safeguarding of Montseny
Defensem lo Masroig
Ecologists in Acció de Catalunya.
Ecologists of Catalonia (EdC) Federation of Ecologist Entities of Catalonia
The Fanal Ecologist Group of Moianès
the trill
L'Escala-Empúries Forum
Pontons Territory Defense Group
IAEDEN (Alt Empordanese Institution for the Defense and Study of Nature)
the manduca
the bale
Group for the Defense of the Natural Environment of La Segarra (Ecologists of Catalonia)
Grup d'Estudis i Protecció dels Ecosistemes Catalans - Ecologistes de Catalunya (GEPEC - EdC)
Platform Against the Energy Macroprojects of the Terres de Ponent
Landscapes and Vineyards of Priorat
Platform Salvem Castellfollit del Boix, Veciana
Tivissa South Platform
ALLIMO Platform (Albera Lliure de Molins)
Per la Conca
Preservem l'Anoia
Hail Tous
Hail Serra de Feixes
Save the Pla del Riols
Hail Castellfollit del Boix
Save Platja de Pals
Save the Pineda d'en Gori
Hail Ribera d'Ondara
Energy Sobirania Baixa Segarra
SOS Costa Brava
SOS Empordanet
SOS Rosamar Canyet
Stop macro wind farm of the Costa Brava Nord
Stop Vandellos 2
Terra Alta Alive
7. Castile-La Mancha (4)
Animal Defense Association
ENCOURAGE in Guadalajara.
ADEPRU, Association for the Defense of the Protected Landscape of the Ungría River
Arterra Collective
8. Castile and Leon (30)
A Morteira Association
High Valduerna Association
Friends of Velil Nola Cultural Association
High Sierra Pelendona Cultural Association
Friends of Velilla Cultural Association
Bierzo Renewable Association
Asden - Ecologist in action Soria
Farmers Association (Soria)
Natural Goat Association
Zamora Farmers Association
Barefoot Peasant Association
Green Moon Association (Leon)
Bierzo Clean Air
Cabrera Awake
Communals of the Town are Manzanal de Arriba
Esgueva Valley Defense
Ecologists in Action of Zamora
GEDEMOL Group for the Study and Defense of the Eastern Mountain of Leon
Nos Terra Maire
Merindades wind table
Moncayo No Rebla
Llobu Ecotourism and Environment
Again NOT in Sayago
Landscapes and Vineyards of Bierzo
Cepeda Viva Platform
Ricobayo Renewable Affected Platform
Ávila Ecological Platform
Platform for the Future of the Leonese Central Mountain
Sustainable Rural Neighborhood Platform
Alive Zamora
9. Community of Madrid (1)
Ecologists in Action of Tajuna
10. Valencian Community (28)
Ecological Action - Agró
Alborem Action Association
Residents Association of Salinas (Alicante)
Partidas Neighborhood Association Peter Rives - Casa el cura
Monte Bateig Neighborhood Association
Friends of Mas de la Mateba Association (Castellón)
Naturalist Association of Ayora and La Valle (ANAV)
Nostra Terra les Coves de Vinromà Association, Plana Alta region in Castellón
Associació Perifèries del món
Association for Sustainable Utiel-Requena
Group of associations Salvemos Brihuela, from the town of Chiva.
Community UJI x Planeta, from Castellón, Valencian Community.
Entrepobles Country Valencia
Extinction Rebellion Valencia
Valencian Interunion
Montesa Territori Viu
No to the Magda project
NO MAT Vilafames
The Green Channel, Valencia, Chella.
La Ribera by Bike-Ecologists in Action
Citizen platform Stop Vinalopó Solar Plan
La Hoya de Buñol-Chiva Clean Air Platform.
PLAAT Platform Alborache-Turís
Let's save Farrajon
Sustainable Sun Platform
Platform for the Study and Conservation of the Sierra de Chiva
Let's save Brihuela
11. Extremadura (6)
West Villuercas Zone Platform
ARBA Extremadura
Network of exchange and replanting of seeds of Cáceres
Sierra de Montánchez-Natura Platform
Platform No to the Cañaveral Mine
12.Galicia (85)
A Cappella di Non
ADECOM, Association in Defense of the Coast of Death
Affected by Paderne
Affected by Eolic Vilaboa
Friends of the Arbores Ourense
Friends of Terra
Petón do Lobo Environmental Association
Friends of Castroverde Heritage Association
A-Legre Association
Association A Volta Grande do Courel
Association of People Affected by the Vertedoiro de Leste
Chá Comuneiros Association
O Vilar Neighborhood Association (Santa Comba)
Association of neighbors and neighbors of Ernes.
Rainbow Environmental Association
World Animal Educational and Cultural Association (AECAM)
Fuco Buxán Cultural Association
Galician Association Cova Crea
Bergantiñá Loba Lilas Ecofeminist Association
Wolf Association
Rosalía Lugo Park Defense Association
Monte do Gato Seselle Association
Save Cabana Association
Sociocultural Environmental Neighborhood Association Alarma na Terra de Montes
Ventos Moeche Outeiro Association
Vespera de Nada Association for unha Galiza without oil
Sociocultural Environmental Neighborhood Association Alarma na Terra de Montes
Association for the Ecological Defense of Galiza - ADEGA
Association for the Defense of the Ria (APDR), from Pontevedra
Cabanas di non
Cerdido di Non
Agrocuir da Ulloa Collective
Terra Collective (Pontedeume)
Co-command Ghichas. Val Minor
Rías Altas Defense Committee.
Bergantiñá Coordinator for the defense of the land
Let's take care of terra do Incio
EA Ortegal i
Wind Coordination
Ecoloxists in Action A Mariña
Ecoloxists in Action Artabra
Ecoloxists in Action Lugo
Ecoloxists in Action Barbanza
Ecoloxists in Action Sarria-Monforte
Ecoloxists A Coruña South
Ecoloxists A Costa da Morte
Ecoloxists in Action O Ribeiro
Enxeneria Sen Fronteiras Galicia
Galician Ecological Federation, FEG
Living Galician Interior
New Galician School
NON wind power in Castrove
Monfero di NON , neighborhood platform.
Move Neda
Movement in defense of Soandres-Montemaior-Cerceda
Chantada Energy Observatory
Ortegal di Non
Plademar Muros-Noia
As Salgueiras Platform
Platform AsíEolicosNon de Cerdedo-Cotobade
Alto Miño Platform, Wind So Non
Neighborhood platform two councils of Coristanco, Santa Comba, Carballo and Tordoia
Eiquí Non Wind Platform
Na Mariña Wind Platform, Thus Non
Defense Platform of the South of the Galician Dorsal (SurDaDorsal)
Platform for Animal Defense and Nature
Platform for Ethical Coexistence with Wildlife "With-Ethics"
Platform for the Defense of Monte Neme
Stopeolicos Negueira Platform.
Terra Chá Platform
Caíño Brancellao neighborhood platform
Quixote of Outes
Galician Network for a Living Rural
Rural Network
roxin roxal
Let's save Comarca de Ordes
Let's save o Iribio
Let's save the valley of Barcia and Monte Xalo
you are encrobas
Stop Wind Negueira
Stop Xurés Celanova Wind Power
Texmoecheeciños rural area
victims of justice
Affected Haunch Neighborhood (Neda)
13. Balearic Islands (1)
GOB Balearic Islands
14. La Rioja (5)
Platform for the sustainable progress of the eastern lands of La Rioja
Platform for the Sustainable Development of Alto Cidacos
SENDA (Energy Sustainability and Agricultural Development)
Ecologists in action from La Rioja
Landscapes and Vineyards of La Rioja
15.Murcia (1)
Platform For A Living Sea
16. Navarre-Nafarroa (12)
anue bizirik
Navarra Landscapes and Vineyards Association
Take the wind - Esteribar bizirik
Gazteluzar Platform
Gurelur. Navarro Fund for the Protection of the Natural Environment
haize berriak
NEETEN (Nafarroa Energia Eraldatzen Transforming Navarra Energy)
Olaibar bizirik
Landscapes and Vineyards of Navarra
Save Forgiveness 4.0 Erreniega Salba Dezagun 4.0
Let's save Egüesibar - Eguesibar salba dezagun
Urbasa-Andia bizirik
17. Basque Country (2)
Interkonexio elektrikorik ez!
Zain Dezagun Urdaibai Auzo Elkartea
State-owned or covering various territories (9):
Association for the Development of the Serranía Celtiberica (Burgos, Castellón, Cuenca, Guadalajara, La Rioja, Segovia, Soria, Teruel, Valencia, Zaragoza) and five autonomous communities (Castilian-Leonese, Castilian-La Mancha, Riojan, Aragonese, Valencian).
Spanish Association for the Conservation and Study of Bats
Contemporary Rural Association (state)
Arca Ibérica National Association
Confederation of Ecologists in Action
GEA Foundation Territorial Management
Landscapes and Vineyards of Spain
Green Seam Platform
PDCC (Platform for the Defense of the Cantabrian Mountains)
To add your association,
send us an email to:
o directly add it by clicking here:
with respect to
RD 11/2022
validated in July 2022
Subsequently, andl Royal Decree Law 11/2022, of June 25, by which certain measures are adopted and extended to respond to the economic and social consequences of the war in Ukraine, to deal with situations of social and economic vulnerability, and for the economic and social recovery of the island of La Palma has modified article 1 of article 6 of RDL 6/2022 and without any motivation, establishing that it will only apply to projects located in low-sensitivity areas, eliminating the previous provision that also affected those located in moderate sensitivity, and establishing the publication of the report of determination of environmental condition in the BOE, according to that wording:
"One. Sections 1, letter c) and 3, letter e) of article 6 are modified, which are worded as follows:
«c) Location: Projects that, not being located in the marine environment or on surfaces that are part of the Natura 2000 Network, at the date of the presentation of the request for authorization by the promoter are located entirely in areas of low sensitivity according to the "Environmental Zoning for the implementation of renewable energies”, a tool prepared by the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge.»
"e) The environmental condition determination report will be published on the website of the environmental body and will be the subject of an announcement by said body in the "Official State Gazette". Likewise, the promoter and the substantive body will be notified within a maximum period of ten days.»
Group 4. Annex II
f) Installations for the use of the force of the wind for the production of energy. (Wind farms) not included in annex I, except those intended for self-consumption that do not exceed 100 kW of total power.
i) Installations for the production of electrical energy from solar energy, intended for sale to the grid, not included in Annex I or installed on roofs or roofs of buildings or on urban land and that occupy an area greater than 10 ha.
As it is still a temporary regime, it does not imply a modification of Law 21/2013 since it refers only to projects that are presented until December 31, 2024, that is, and that is why it cannot be considered a transposition of the Directive 2011/92/EU.
The facilities for
own consumption or solar plants on roofs, roofs and urban land, regardless of their
power and extension.
Law 21/2013, of December 9, on Environmental Assessment contemplates a simplified impact assessment procedure in articles 45 to 48, which already incorporated article 4.2 of Directive 2011/92/UE reformed in 2014, and reproduces the Criteria to be followed to determine the evaluation on a case-by-case basis or through thresholds in Annex III, to which article 47.2 of the law refers. These criteria refer to the characteristics of the projects (design, accumulation with other existing and/or approved ones, waste generation, etc.); to its location (land use, quality and regenerative capacity of natural resources such as land and biodiversity, etc.); and the type and characteristics of the potential impact in relation to the previous criteria (magnitude of the impact on the geographical area and size of the affected population, accumulation of impacts with other projects and the possibilities of reducing the impact, among others).
Most of these criteria have not been taken into account in article 6 of RDL 6/2022 or in RDL 11/2022, nor in the elaboration of the environmental sensitivity zoning prepared by MITERD. The most striking is the criterion of accumulation of projects or that of accumulation of impacts, since with the current wording it will be enough to divide the projects that exceed the power thresholds in other minor ones, so that the Express procedure for determining the environmental condition is applied to them. bb3b-136bad5cf58d_Because the proximity to other projects, although it is not a threshold, the promoter must state it so that it is taken into account by the environmental body.
Another violation of the Directive is that its article 4.2 only applies to projects in Annex II, while the express procedure applies to wind projects up to 75 MW
contemplated in Annex I of the Law, and photovoltaic parks, whether or not they exceed 100ha but do not exceed 150 MV, which although in the Directive are not included in Annex I, in Law 21/2013 they are, in accordance with the power that the States have to issue greater protection regulations, so that the projects of annexes I and II of Law 21/2013 will be subject to the same regulations that the Directive contemplates for the projects of its annexes I and II.