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Municipalities modify their PGOUs

(General urban planning plan)

for "Non-Urbanizable Land", including Protected.

"URBAN PLANNING OF THE MUNICIPAL TERM COÍN Coín has a General Urban Planning Plan approved on December 17, 1997 currently in force, said Plan is partially adapted to the Urban Planning Law of Andalusia dated February 10, 2011. From According to Plan 4.1 General Structure of the Territory on Non-Urbanizable Land, adapted to the LOUA, in the municipality of Coín the photovoltaic plant is located entirely on Rural Non-Urbanizable Land, SNU (R). R) is the land that, without presenting special natural values, must maintain its primary destination, which is agriculture.In accordance with the Urban Regulations of the General Urban Planning Plan of the municipality of Coín, in relation to undeveloped land, they are included as compatible uses those indicated in Title XI, Chapter II, Article 405 of the urban regulations of said Plan, among others, the following is included in section 7 ient, which includes the electricity line to be carried out: Use of large facilities and infrastructures. With an express declaration of public utility and an environmental impact study on the natural environment, these uses may be allowed, unless expressly mentioned in the Regulations for Protected Areas. "

Photovoltaic construction companies adhere to the section of the Law " Use of large facilities and infrastructures. With express declaration of public utility " and the owner of the land, previously happy for his good fortune, is now facing the expropriation of his farm and therefore without any benefit.

Text extract of one of the projects presented:

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Expropriations in Darro for a solar plant. Grenade.

They want to expropriate part of my land for the construction of a photovoltaic park. Malaga.

Forced expropriation Finca Espejo for solar panels. Cordova.

They expropriate 50 farms in Tabernas for the La Cabrita solar plant. Almeria.

"Las Salinas" solar park declared of public interest. Grenade.

Expropriations in Huenéja for the Kissoro solar plant.


Gibraleón and Huelva: expropriations for plant construction. Huelva.



Asaja denounces that the photovoltaic macroparks "drive off the land" the farmers. Lion.

The expropriations of farms for the construction of photovoltaics have been declared. Valladolid.

Landowners, on the warpath. Ciudad Rodrigo, Salamanca.

Muelas solar plant. Expropriation.







Expropriations in Puerto del Rosario for a solar plant. Fuerteventura.

Green light for 3 photovoltaic parks in the South.

Gran Canaria.

Expropriation for photovoltaic park. Slingshot.







Iberdrola Badajoz expropriation photovoltaic land scam. Judgment.

The expropriations for the future photovoltaic plant in Talaván begin. Cáceres.

Cáceres 2023. Expropriations for photovoltaics.

Expropriations of the solar park "San Serván" Solana de los Barros. Badajoz.




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